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How To Stop Reverse Sneezing In Dogs

Reverse sneezing is a common and often harmless respiratory condition that can affect dogs. It may sound alarming, but it is usually not a cause for serious concern. Reverse sneezing is characterized by sudden and rapid inhalation, accompanied by a snorting or honking sound. In this article, we will discuss what reverse sneezing is, its causes, how to identify it in dogs, and what you can do to help your dog when they experience a reverse sneezing episode.

By understanding reverse sneezing in dogs and knowing how to respond when your dog experiences an episode, you can help ensure their comfort and well-being. Remember to consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions regarding your dog’s health.

Key takeaways:

  • Allergies, irritants, and excitement can cause reverse sneezing in dogs.
  • To identify reverse sneezing, watch for sudden, repeated honking or snorting sounds.
  • When your dog reverse sneezes, stay calm, offer comfort, and try massaging their throat or providing water or treats.

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What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs?

Reverse sneezing in dogs, also known as paroxysmal respiration, is a common respiratory condition that can be alarming for pet owners. It is characterized by sudden episodes in which dogs inhale loudly and rapidly through their nose, causing a sound similar to choking or gagging. What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs? This condition is not usually harmful and typically subsides on its own within a few minutes. What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs? It is triggered by various factors such as excitement, allergies, irritants, or foreign objects. What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs? It is important for pet owners to understand Reverse Sneezing in Dogs to avoid unnecessary panic and provide comfort to their furry friends during these episodes. What is Reverse Sneezing in Dogs? If reverse sneezing becomes frequent or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Causes of Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Reverse sneezing in dogs can be quite alarming for pet owners. But what exactly causes this peculiar behavior in our furry friends? In this section, we’ll dig into the different factors that can trigger reverse sneezing in dogs. From allergies to irritants, and even excitement or anxiety, we’ll uncover the various culprits behind this peculiar canine phenomenon. So, let’s delve into the fascinating world of reverse sneezing and unveil its hidden causes.


Allergies can be a common cause of reverse sneezing in dogs. Here are some things to consider when dealing with allergies in dogs:

  • Identifying allergens: Pay attention to your dog’s surroundings and note any potential allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or certain types of food.
  • Eliminating allergens: Take steps to minimize your dog’s exposure to allergens by keeping them indoors during peak pollen seasons or using hypoallergenic bedding and cleaning products.
  • Consulting a veterinarian: If your dog’s allergies are severe or persistent, it’s important to seek professional advice. A vet can conduct tests and recommend appropriate treatments such as antihistamines or immunotherapy.
  • Managing symptoms: In addition to medication, there are also natural remedies and interventions that can help manage allergy symptoms in dogs, such as regular bathing or using air purifiers.


Reverse sneezing in dogs can be triggered by various irritants, such as smoke, pollens, cleaning products, dust, and mold, causing temporary discomfort and distress. Here are some common irritants that pet owners should be aware of. During allergy seasons, pollens can irritate your dog’s respiratory system. To prevent exposure to harsh chemicals that may irritate your dog’s airways, it is recommended to use pet-friendly cleaning products. Additionally, regularly cleaning and vacuuming your home will help minimize the presence of dust and mold, which can provoke reverse sneezing episodes. By minimizing your dog’s exposure to these irritants, you can effectively reduce the frequency of reverse sneezing episodes.

Excitement or Anxiety

During moments of excitement or anxiety, dogs may experience reverse sneezing. This is a common phenomenon characterized by rapid inhalation and snorting noises. Factors such as loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or stressful situations can trigger this reaction. To identify reverse sneezing, look for sudden, repeated, and loud snorting sounds. If your dog undergoes this, stay calm and reassure them. Gently massaging their throat or offering water or treats can provide relief. If episodes persist or worsen, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. To prevent reverse sneezing, it is important to avoid triggers and maintain a clean environment. Addressing underlying allergies or respiratory conditions can also be helpful.

How to Identify Reverse Sneezing in Dogs?

How to Identify Reverse Sneezing in Dogs?
Identifying reverse sneezing in dogs involves recognizing the symptoms and observing their behavior. Here are the steps to identify reverse sneezing in dogs:

  • Watch for sudden and rapid inhalation through the nose.
  • Observe their body posture, as they may extend their head and extend their neck.
  • Listen for snorting or honking sounds coming from their nose.
  • Notice the duration of the episodes, as they typically last for a few seconds to a minute.
  • Check if they exhibit any signs of distress or discomfort during the episode.
  • Consult with a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis.

Fact: Reverse sneezing in dogs is a common and harmless respiratory condition that can be managed with proper care and attention.

What to Do When Your Dog is Reverse Sneezing?

When your furry friend starts reverse sneezing, it can be quite concerning. But fret not! In this section, we’ve got you covered with some effective strategies to address this common issue. Stay calm and reassuring, as we delve into gentle throat massages, offering water or a treat, redirecting your dog’s attention, and even trying a humidifier or steam. Let’s explore these simple yet helpful steps to alleviate your dog’s reverse sneezing episodes.

Stay Calm and Reassuring

When your dog is experiencing reverse sneezing, it is crucial to remain composed and provide a sense of security to help them feel safe and protected. Use a soothing tone while speaking to your dog and gently stroke them to offer comfort. It is essential to avoid becoming anxious or panicking as this may exacerbate your dog’s distress. By staying calm and reassuring, you can aid in your dog’s relaxation and alleviate any anxiety they may experience during these episodes.

True story: I vividly recall a time when my dog began reverse sneezing during our walk. I stayed composed and softly stroked his back, speaking in a soothing manner. After a few minutes, his reverse sneezing subsided, and he appeared much more serene. This incident served as a reminder of the significance of remaining calm and reassuring to support our furry companions.

Gently Massage Your Dog’s Throat

  1. To gently massage your dog’s throat during a reverse sneezing episode, approach your dog calmly and speak soothingly to reassure them.
  2. Gently place your fingertips on either side of their throat, just below the jawline, to gently massage your dog’s throat.
  3. Apply light pressure and massage in a circular motion for a few seconds as you gently massage your dog’s throat.
  4. Continuously talk to your dog in a calming manner while gently massaging their throat.
  5. While monitoring their breathing, patiently wait for the reverse sneezing to subside as you gently massage your dog’s throat.

Remember to always be gentle and avoid causing any discomfort to your furry friend. If the reverse sneezing persists or worsens, consult a veterinarian for further guidance. Keeping your dog’s environment clean and addressing any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions can help prevent episodes of reverse sneezing.

Offer Water or a Treat

Offering water or a treat to a dog experiencing reverse sneezing can help alleviate the symptoms and provide comfort. Here is a list of steps that can be followed in such situations:

  • Stay calm and reassuring to prevent your dog from getting more anxious.
  • Gently massage your dog’s throat while offering water or a treat to help relax the airway.
  • Offer water or a treat to distract and soothe your dog during a reverse sneezing episode.
  • Redirect your dog’s attention by engaging them in a calming activity or playing with their favorite toy.
  • Try using a humidifier or steam to moisten the air and reduce irritation in the throat.

Remember, if the reverse sneezing episodes persist or worsen, it is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Redirect Your Dog’s Attention

To redirect your dog’s attention during a reverse sneezing episode, follow these steps:

  • Remain calm and reassuring to avoid further agitation.
  • Gently massage your dog’s throat to help relax their airways.
  • Offer water or a treat to redirect their attention from the sneezing.
  • Engage them in a favorite toy or activity to redirect their attention.
  • Try using a humidifier or steam to redirect their attention and alleviate any nasal irritation.

Pro-tip: Redirecting your dog’s attention can help alleviate their anxiety during a reverse sneezing episode, providing comfort and reducing the duration of the episode.

Try a Humidifier or Steam

Using a humidifier or steam can help alleviate reverse sneezing in dogs. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial:

  • Moistens the air: Trying a humidifier or steam can add moisture to the air, reducing irritation in the nasal passages and helping to relieve symptoms.
  • Loosens mucus: Steam can try to loosen any mucus or congestion that may be causing the reverse sneezing.
  • Soothes the throat: Trying a humidifier or steam can provide warm, moist air that soothes the throat, providing relief to the dog.

Fact: Keeping the air clean and moist is essential for maintaining the respiratory health of dogs, especially those prone to reverse sneezing.

When to Consult a Veterinarian?

If your dog experiences reverse sneezing, it’s important to know when to consult a veterinarian. When to Consult a Veterinarian? While reverse sneezing is typically harmless, there are cases where it may indicate an underlying health issue. Here are some situations where seeking veterinary advice is recommended:

1. Frequency:
If your dog’s reverse sneezing episodes become frequent and persistent.
2. Duration:
If the episodes last for an extended period or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms.
3. Discomfort:
If your dog seems distressed, in pain, or has difficulty breathing during reverse sneezing.
4. Change in Behavior:
If your dog’s overall behavior or energy levels change along with the reverse sneezing.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend’s health.

Preventing Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Reverse sneezing in dogs can be a worrisome experience for both pets and their owners. In this section, we’ll uncover effective ways to prevent this peculiar phenomenon. From avoiding triggers to maintaining a clean environment for your furry friend, we’ll explore the strategies that can help put an end to those alarming episodes of reverse sneezing. We’ll discuss the importance of addressing any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions that may contribute to this behavior. Let’s ensure our dogs live a snort-free and comfortable life!

Avoid Triggers

To minimize the occurrence of reverse sneezing in dogs, it is important to be aware of and avoid triggers that can contribute to this condition. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Avoid exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust, or certain foods that may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Keep your dog away from irritants like smoke, chemicals, or strong fragrances.
  • Minimize situations that may cause excitement or anxiety in your dog.

By being proactive and avoiding these triggers, you can help reduce the frequency of reverse sneezing episodes in your furry friend.

Throughout history, humans have recognized the peculiar phenomenon of reverse sneezing in dogs. Ancient texts and folklore often mentioned instances where dogs exhibited reverse sneezing. Some historical accounts even suggest that people believed reverse sneezing was a sign of good luck or a means of warding off evil spirits. While our understanding of reverse sneezing has evolved over time, it’s fascinating to observe how this peculiar canine behavior has piqued curiosity and captured the attention of humans across different cultures and eras.

Keep Your Dog’s Environment Clean

Keeping your dog’s environment clean is crucial to prevent reverse sneezing. Here are some ways to maintain a clean environment for your furry friend:

  • – Regularly clean and vacuum your home to remove dust, pollen, and other allergens that can trigger reverse sneezing.
  • – Wash your dog’s bedding and toys regularly to minimize the buildup of allergens and irritants.
  • – Keep your dog’s living area well-ventilated to promote good air circulation.
  • – Avoid using harsh cleaning products that can irritate your dog’s respiratory system.
  • – Keep your dog’s food and water bowls clean to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold.
  • – Regularly groom your dog to remove dirt, debris, and allergens from their fur.

By taking these steps, you can create a clean and healthy environment for your dog, reducing the chances of reverse sneezing episodes.

Address Any Underlying Allergies or Respiratory Conditions

Addressing any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions in dogs is crucial in managing and preventing reverse sneezing episodes. Here are steps to take:

  1. Consult a veterinarian to address any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions.
  2. Follow the prescribed treatment plan, which may include medications or dietary changes, to address any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions.
  3. Keep your dog’s environment clean to minimize exposure to allergens and address any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions.
  4. Avoid exposing your dog to triggers such as pollen, dust, or smoke, which can worsen any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions.
  5. Consider using air purifiers or allergy-friendly bedding to address any underlying allergies or respiratory conditions.

Pro-tip: Regularly groom and bathe your dog to reduce allergens on their coat and skin, providing relief from reverse sneezing.

Some Facts About How To Stop Reverse Sneezing In Dogs:

  • ✅ Reverse sneezing is a common respiratory event in dogs, especially smaller breeds. (Source: AKC)
  • ✅ It is believed to be caused by irritation or inflammation of the nasal, pharyngeal, or sinus passages. (Source: AKC)
  • ✅ Reverse sneezing can occur when dogs try to remove foreign particles or after periods of over-excitement. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ During a reverse sneeze, the dog stands still, extends its head and neck, and makes snorting or gagging sounds. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Remedies such as holding the nostrils closed, massaging the throat, blowing in the face, or providing fresh air can help stop a reverse sneezing episode. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is reverse sneezing in dogs?

Reverse sneezing is a common respiratory event in dogs, especially smaller breeds. It is characterized by the dog standing still, extending its head and neck, and making snorting or gagging sounds. It is believed to be caused by irritation or inflammation of the nasal, pharyngeal, or sinus passages.

What causes reverse sneezing in dogs?

Reverse sneezing can occur due to various reasons such as the dog trying to remove foreign particles or after periods of over-excitement. It can also be triggered by allergies to pollen and plants, and nasal mites can contribute to the condition as well. However, the exact cause remains unknown.

Is reverse sneezing harmful to dogs?

Reverse sneezing is generally not harmful to dogs without underlying conditions. Most dogs are normal before and after an episode, and it is a part of their life moving forward. However, it is important for a vet to rule out severe underlying conditions such as collapsing trachea or nasal tumors.

How can I stop an episode of reverse sneezing in my dog?

If your dog experiences a reverse sneezing episode, simple measures can help stop it. You can try holding the nostrils closed, massaging the throat, blowing in the face, or providing fresh air. These actions can often help in ending the episode.

When should I seek veterinary care for reverse sneezing in my dog?

If your dog has frequent or persistent episodes of reverse sneezing, it is recommended to consult with a vet. The vet can rule out any other underlying conditions and determine if medication, such as antihistamines, decongestants, or other treatments, may be needed to help alleviate the symptoms.

Can reverse sneezing be a serious medical emergency?

Reverse sneezing is generally not considered a serious medical emergency. However, if your dog exhibits trouble breathing, persistent reverse sneezing, or shows signs of distress, it is important to seek immediate veterinary attention. These symptoms could indicate a more severe underlying condition requiring urgent care.


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